
R350When the sale of the building seems imminent, not only must the artists face the daunting prospect of relocation, but a remarkable chapter in the complex narrative of contemporary South African art seems about to close. Sensing the importance of this moment, Kim Gurney, herself a former tenant of the atelier, follows the stories of several of the August House denizens through some of the artworks that came to life in their studios.

R1400The latest instalment of this indispensable survey of contemporary drawing, chosen by the world’s leading art experts
Over the past 50 years, drawing has been elevated from a supporting role to a primary medium, ranking alongside painting as a central art form. Since the publication of Vitamin D (2005) and D2 (2013), contemporary artists have continued to explore drawing’s possibilities – from intimate to large-scale works, in a diversity of mark-making processes and materials. Vitamin D3 showcases more than 100 such artists, nominated by more than 70 international art experts.

R50This Educational Supplement is published together with TAXI 013 Diane Victor. The importance of Diane Victor’s impressive body of drawings and prints lies not simply in its biting social commentary and the sometimes macabre quality of her images, but also in the interplay between the tough and the fragile in her work, between the subject matter of her visual narratives and the delicate mark-making and fragility of her preferred media.

R500The 13th book in the TAXI Art Book series of monographs, this title looks at the work of Diane Victor, with essays by Elizabeth Rankin and Karen von Veh.