Cooked in South Africa
Cooked in South Africa is an initiative of Wish Upon a Star, a non-profit fund-raising charity, and all proceeds from the sales of this book will be donated to children living with disability.
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Cooked in South Africa is an initiative of Wish Upon a Star, a non-profit fund-raising charity, and all proceeds from the sales of this book will be donated to children living with disability.
Journeys in Natural Dyeing shares the story of Kristine Vejar and Adrienne Rodriguez’s travels to four countries—Iceland, Mexico, Japan, and Indonesia—where they visited natural dyers who use locally-sourced dyes to create textiles that evoke beauty, a connection to their environment, and showcase their mastery of skill.
Isaac Mizrahis Mushroom Truffle Spaghetti, Carolina Herreras Pommes Toupinel, Mark Eckos
Adults Only Chocolate Chip Cookies, Derek Lams Yellowtail Crudo, John Varvatoss Calaloo
Soup food can be fashionable too! Published with the Council of Fashion Designers of America
(CFDA) and with a foreword by Martha Stewart, American Fashion Cookbook is a chic objet
containing recipes and original illustrations by more than 100 American designers.
In this beautifully photographed tour of Mediterranean cuisine, Baussan, author of Olive Oil and owner of l’Occitane, and French chef Meulien present fresh, unique recipes from the region.
Established as a luxury vacation destination for the rich and famous in the early 1900s, Palm Beach is synonymous with old-world glamour and new world sophistication
Cook with the seasons and fill your pantry with mouthwatering relishes, pestos, marinades, rubs and sauces that add flavour to all your meals. Rightly titled, the book is Jampacked with easy, clever ideas for your all year round culinary inspiration.
Irreverent, opinionated, always amusing, Pendock probes incisively beneath the tannic skin of the wine world. This book gives a refreshingly sceptical view of the entourage of wine commentators – the VIPs, the writers, the connoisseurs and the amateurs, the charlatans and the experts, the professionals and the detractors – the people who really make our local wines tick.
From Mayo Clinic, a leading authority on health and nutrition, comes The Mayo Clinic Diet, designed to be the last diet you’ll ever need. In two simple phases, you’ll be on the road to a healthy weight for the rest of your life.
From the author of the bestselling Clean Cakes, trained patisserie chef Henrietta Inman, this beautifully-designed bake book presents over 80 baking recipes – sweet and savoury – using natural, wholesome and wholegrain ingredients.
This book takes readers on an informative and picturesque stroll through the sun-drenched regions of the south of France, which in the past 15 years has dramatically revamped its wine-growing and vinification procedures.
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