Showing 1–16 of 69 results

  • A Beginner’s Guide to Terrarium Gardening


    This book includes 52 projects that teach you how to create a wide variety of terrariums-from open-air containers, like bowls, to jars and hanging decorations. No matter how you choose to display them, terrariums are a whimsical, easy and inexpensive addition to your home.

  • A Fox’s Tale


    Sit down with one of Africa’s most creative strategic minds, and really get to know her and how she thinks …

  • A Long Way Home-Migrant Worker Worlds


    A Long Way Home captures the humanity, agency and creative modes of self-expression of the millions of workers who helped to build and shape modern South Africa.

    The book spans a three-hundred-year history beginning with the exportation of slave labour from Mozambique in the eighteenth century and ending with the strikes and tensions on the platinum belt in recent years. It shows not only the age-old mobility of African migrants across the continent but also, with the growing demand for labour in the mining industry, the importation of Chinese indentured migrant workers.

    Contributions include 18 essays and over 90 artworks and photographs that traverse homesteads, chiefdoms and mining hostels, taking readers into the materiality of migrant life and its customs and traditions, including the rituals practiced by migrants in an effort to preserve connections to “home” and create a sense of “belonging”. The essays and visual materials provide multiple perspectives on the lived experience of migrant labourers and celebrate their extraordinary journeys.

    A Long Way Home was conceived during the planning of an art exhibition entitled ‘Ngezinyawo: Migrant Journeys’ at Wits Art Museum. The interdisciplinary nature of the contributions and the extraordinary collection of images selected to complement and expand on the text make this a unique collection.

  • Africa Meets Africa: The African Collection of the Museum of Ethnology Rotterdam


    This catalogue was published as the companion publication to the exhibition ‘Africa Meets Africa: The African Collection of the Museum of Ethnology Rotterdam’. The exhibition tour is sponsored by the Mondriaan Stichting.

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    Africa’s Peacemakers – Nobel Peace Laureates of African Descent


    As Africa and its diaspora commemorate fifty years of post-independence Pan-Africanism, this unique volume provides profound insight into the thirteen prominent individuals of African descent who have won the Nobel Peace Prize since 1950. From the first American president of African descent, Barack Obama, whose career was inspired by the civil rights and anti-apartheid struggles…

  • Amazon Unbound


    From the bestselling author of The Everything Store, an unvarnished picture of Amazon’s unprecedented growth and its billionaire founder, Jeff Bezos, revealing the most important business story of our time. With the publication of The Everything Store in 2013, Bloomberg journalist Brad Stone revealed how the unlikely Seattle start-up Amazon became an unexpected king of ecommerce. Since then, its founder has led Amazon to explosive growth in both size and wealth.

    In less than ten years, Amazon has quintupled the size of its workforce and increased its valuation to well over a trillion dollars. Whereas Amazon used to sell only books, there is now little they don’t sell, becoming the world’s largest online retailer and pushing into other markets at warp speed. Between Amazon’s forty subsidiaries – like Whole Foods Market, Amazon Studios in Hollywood, websites like Goodreads and IMDb, and Amazon Web Services cloud software unit, plus Bezos’s purchase of the Washington Post – it’s almost impossible to go a day without encountering their goods.

  • Being Chris Hani’s Daughter


    When Chris Hani was assassinated in his driveway in April 1993, he left a shocked and grieving South Africa, teetering on the precipice of civil war. But to 12-year-old Lindiwe Hani, it was the love of her life, her daddy, who had been brutally ripped from her world. While the nation continued to revere her father’s legacy, for Lindiwe, being Chris Hani’s daughter became an increasingly heavy burden to bear, propelling her into a downward spiral of cocaine and alcohol addiction in a desperate attempt to avoid the pain of his brutal parting.

  • Child Of This Soil – My Life as a Freedom Fighter


    LETLAPA MPHAHLELE, Apla Commander, is that rarest of creatures: a military man with a sensitive, seeking soul. In Child of this Soil, Mphahlele tells his story, giving us an insider’s view into the heart of the armed struggle. After a childhood marked by a questing, rebellious nature, the young Letlapa flees South Africa in search of his destiny. His exile will not end for many years, as he embarks on the turbulent, nomadic life of a guerrilla: swept from one end of Africa to the other, migrating from refugee camp to prison cell to High Command.

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    Chinese Propaganda Posters


    This book brings together a selection of colorful propaganda artworks and cultural artifacts from Max Gottschalk’s vast collection of Chinese propaganda posters, many of which are now extremely rare.

  • Cleaner Energy. Cooler Climate. Developing sustainable energy solutions for South Africa


    Energy and climate change are issues of critical importance for shaping a sustainable future, both in South Africa and globally. For South Africa, finding a policy approach which balances the increasing demand for energy with the need for sustainability, equity and climate change mitigation is a particular challenge. This book provides an innovative and strategic approach to climate policy, with local development objectives as its starting point.

  • Coach – The life and soccer times of Clive Barker


    Coach offers a first-class glimpse into the life of this extraordinary South African, Clive Barker. Author Michael Marnewick details everything from his pre-coaching days and how he avoided bankruptcy by driving taxis, to his early coaching jobs and making it into the professional ranks, and ultimately to the position of national soccer coach. The book is not only an in-depth look at Clive Barker the coach, but also gives insight into Clive Barker the man, the husband, the father, and the patriot.

  • Conversations About Harming Animals (Conversations about philosophy [Signed Copy])


    Do animal lives matter?

    In this delicious conversation, leading thinkers Bob Fischer and Dustin Crummett discuss the problems of eating meat and caging animals.

  • Conversations About Lockdown (Conversations about Philosophy [Signed Copy]).


    You’re standing beside a train track, and feel the vibration of an oncoming train. Ahead of you, five innocent people are tied to the rails, screaming for your help.

    You can save them. But there’s a catch…

    Pull a nearby lever, and the oncoming train will be diverted. But there’s a woman tied to the other track. Are you willing to kill her to save the others?

    Government locked down to save vulnerable lives, while forcing businesses to close their doors.

  • Conversations about the meaning of life (Conversations about Philosophy [Signed Copy])


    What do Mother Theresa, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and the exploration of Mars teach us about the meaning of life?

    World-renowned experts, David Benatar and Thaddeus Metz, give you their answers to life’s biggest question.

    Spoiler alert: it isn’t 42.

  • Conversations about the Philosophy of Love and Desire (Conversations About Philosophy [Signed Copy])


    Is love bad for you?

    In this engrossing conversation, leading thinker Raja Halwani enters the difficult and daring territory of love and sex.

    If your lover lost their looks, their mind, and their wit, would you still love them?

  • Conversations about Time Travel and Teleporters (Conversations about Philosophy [Signed Copy]).


    Is time travel possible?
    If you stepped into a teleporter, would it be the same you who stepped out?

    In this mind-bending conversation, philosopher and science fiction novelist Jason Werbeloff explores the hidden ideas behind popular sci-fi films and series.

    Can you go back in time to kill your grandfather, and prevent yourself from being born?