African Game:Species and Subspecies (2nd Edition)


In summary, this book has succeeded in positioning itself as a stunningly attractive “coffee table piece” for general interest readers, but also as an important and “un-equalled reference source”, for academics and others requiring more detailed scientific information.

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This unique work, addresses, describes and illustrates, not only the species of African game (excluding primates and small mammals), but in fact addresses all the recognised subspecies of African game also, succeeding no doubt in enriching insight, knowledge, understanding and pleasure, associated with Africa’s wildlife heritage, to those with an interest in learning more.

No other published book has ever succeeded, in making this treasure trove of information available concisely, and this title is without a doubt, now the definitive single volume applicable to this fascinating field.

The book also deals with relevant taxonomical information including who described each species/subspecies as well as the origin of their common and genus names.

In summary, this book has succeeded in positioning itself as a stunningly attractive “coffee table piece” for general interest readers, but also as an important and “un-equalled reference source”, for academics and others requiring more detailed scientific information.

The second edition features new and improved distribution maps as well as further subspecies that had been omitted from the previous edition, such as the Somali Ass. Academics and no academics alike will also find the book a font of useful information.

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Hardcover, 28x22cm, 478pp