‘Life’s Deepest Questions: Conversations about Philosophy’ Book Launch at Workshop 17.
On the 4th of May 2022 David Krut Projects collaborated with Jason Werbeloff and Mark Oppenheimer at Workshop 17 – The Bank (Johannesburg) to celebrate the launch of the exciting book series Conversations about Philosophy. Authors Mark Oppenheimer and Jason Werbeloff joined David Krut Projects’ Britt Lawton in conversation about the series and signed copies for the guests.
Conversations about Philosophy is a series of books by authors David Benatar , Thaddeus Metz , Jason Werbeloff , Mark Oppenheimer , Graham Oppy , Sam Lebens , Bob Fischer, Dustin Crummett , Raja Halwani , Helen Sarah Robertson . The series contains six books covering some of life’s most commonly pondered questions such as The Meaning of Life, God and the Problem of Evil, Harming Animals, The Philosophy of Love and Desire, Time Travel and Teleporters and Lockdown.
The books are all signed and available at the David Krut Bookstore as a paperback bundle (Six Books) for R1000 or can be bought separately for R200 each.
Conversations about Philosophy Paperback Bundle (Six Books)
The books are conversations with world-leading thinkers on everything from the meaning of life and love; to our ethical responsibilities to each other, animals, and the planet. All copies are signed and the bundle is available for R1000.
Conversations about God and the Problem of Evil.
Does God exist? Even in a world filled with suffering?
In this thoughtful conversation, leading thinkers Graham Oppy and Sam Lebens discuss God and the problem of evil.
Oppy, a prominent atheist, challenges the religious to explain how an all-good, all-powerful, and all-knowing God could permit evil in the world.
Conversations about Harming Animals.
Do animal lives matter? In this delicious conversation, leading thinkers Bob Fischer and Dustin Crummett discuss the problems of eating meat and caging animals.
Conversations about Lockdown.
Two philosophers use moral principles to debate whether the pandemic justifies a lockdown.
If you enjoy Pop Philosophy that is easily accessible and makes you think, you’ll love this book.
Conversations about The Philosophy of Love and Desire.
Is love bad for you?
In this engrossing conversation, leading thinker Raja Halwani enters the difficult and daring territory of love and sex.
Conversations about Time Travel and Teleporters.
Is time travel possible?
If you stepped into a teleporter, would it be the same you who stepped out?
In this mind-bending conversation, philosopher and science fiction novelist Jason Werbeloff explores the hidden ideas behind popular sci-fi films and series.
Can you go back in time to kill your grandfather, and prevent yourself from being born?
Find out more here.