R110In An Extraordinary Egg by Leo Lionni, three frog friends find an egg that they are sure belongs to a chicken. However, when the egg hatches a little alligator emerges. Since the frogs don’t know the difference, they continue to call the baby alligator a chicken.
R100Jackson the donkey works very hard, carrying loads of mealies, carrots and potatoes up the hill to the market every week, from the little farm where he lives with the farmer, his wife Beauty and his son Goodwill. But one day Jackson just stops halfway up the hill.
R110Goldilocks was not supposed to be in the forest alone, but she didn’t always do as she was told.
Join Goldilocks as she stumbles across the Rhino family’s home, unknowingly dabbling in their daily activities, and the hilarity that follows.
R120Ngenye intseni iinkonde ezintathu ezidiniweyo nezilanbileyo – uNtsikelelo, uBulumko noThando- bankqonkqoza emnyango wolunye usapho. Olu sapho lunqwenela ukubamkela kodwa kufuneka likhethe abemnye kula mandwendwe ukuba angene ekhayeni labo. Ngomphi kwaba bathathu abaza kumkhetha? Eli libali elibaliswayo kwilizwekazi lethu i-Afrika kwaye lelabo bonke abemi beli zwekazi. Nangona isimo sentlalo kunye nabalinganiswa bengabase-Afrika uqobo – ngokwesingqisho sentetho yabo neempahla abazinxibayo – umyalezo wabo ugqithiselwa uluntu jikelele. Le ncwadi yenzelwe bonke abantwana nefemeli iphela. Ngendlela ebhalwe yaze yazotywa kakuhle ngayo, le ncwadi iza kwenza abatwana bafune ukuyifunda okokoko
Well written and beautifully illustrated, this book will have children wanting to read it over and over again. This story originally appeared in the Sunday Times Storytime: 10 South African Stories for Children in 2014.