Showing 65–67 of 67 results

R140Nick Mulgrew’s first collection of poems, the myth of this is that we’re all in this together, is a three-part meditation on the ways in which people lose trust in themselves, each other and their communities.

R195Children who are stripped of their innocence and forced to participate in civil and regional war are the true victims of human conflict. These child-soldiers, whose spirits are hobbled by combat, are cheated of their youth,

R160Beiles is probably most famous for helping Burroughs get Naked Lunchpublished at Olympia through Girodias, at a time when Burroughs was really strung out on paregoric and/or heroin. His most famous work in print is probably as one of the four contributors (Beiles, Burroughs, Corso & Gysin) of the now legendary cut-up compilation, Minutes to Go, published in 1960.