
Sensory Games at Stanford Creative Works (SCW)


This week our focus was all about the senses.  Learning through the senses is a core pillar of our early learning program.  We stimulate the senses via games such as tactile or auditory memory.  Let the children touch and experience a variety of textures and enhance the taste buds by offering different fruit. Vegetables and other exciting tastes that the children can describe in words after tasting. This week our early learners at Funimfundo pre-school as well as Die Bron Primary School were guided through a sensory maze.


The children had to walk bare foot over different textures and describe what they felt, saw and also smelt. Every child had a unique and different experience. Some children loved walking over the leaves because it made sounds. Some children found the peas were tickling their feet and some others loved the soft texture of the felt material. For children to learn through their senses and being able to understand and organise the information that they are receiving sets the very base for perception and further learning.

Here is a quote from Jean Ayres:

‘Sensory stimulation and motor activity during the years of Early Childhood Development (ECD) will mould the neurons and interconnections to form sensory and motor processes.’


Regina Broenner