Showing 17–32 of 90 results

  • Eyes In The Night – An Untold Zulu Story


    Nomavenda Mathiane stumbled upon her grandmother’s story well over a century after the gruelling events of the Battle of Isandlwana that formed her life. Astounded to hear how her grandmother had survived the 1879 Anglo-Zulu War between the British and Zulu nations as a young girl, Mathiane spent hours with her elder sisters reconstructing the extraordinary life of their grandmother. The result is a sweeping epic of both personal and political battles.


    Eyes In The Night is a young Zulu woman’s story of drama, regret, guilt and, ultimately, triumph – set against the backdrop of a Zululand changed beyond recognition.

    A true story almost lost, but for a chance remark at a family gathering.

  • Field guide to Succulents in South Africa


    This user-friendly, richly illustrated field guide features more than 700 southern African succulents, focusing on the most interesting and commonly encountered species. An introduction to families and their key features will help readers identify the relevant plant group, while concise accounts describing the plants’ diagnostic features, along with distribution maps, will enable quick ID of species.

  • Flame In The Snow – The Love Letters Of Andre Brink & Ingrid Jonker (Hardcover)


    In a telegram dated 29 April 1963, thirty-year-old Afrikaans poet Ingrid Jonker thanks André Brink, a young novelist of twenty-eight, for flowers and a letter he sent her. In the more than two hundred letters that followed this telegram, one of South African literature’s most famous love affairs unfolds. Jonker’s final letter to Brink is dated 18 April 1965. She drowned herself in the ocean at Three Anchor Bay three months later.

  • Headrests of Southern Africa: The Architecture of Sleep


    Headrests from Southern Africa – The architecture of sleep presents the subject of southern African headrests in a fascinating new light. The book, richly illustrated – often with in situ photographs, offers unique historical and personal information collected from many of the original owners and carvers of the headrests. So, for the first time African headrests are brought to life with detailed information and the stories of their creation, ownership, use and significance.

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    On June 16, 1976, Hector Pieterson, an ordinary boy, lost his life after getting caught up in what was supposed to be a peaceful protest.

  • Hector (IsiZulu)


    On June 16, 1976, Hector Pieterson, an ordinary boy, lost his life after getting caught up in what was supposed to be a peaceful protest.

  • Hoerikwaggo: Images of Table Mountain


    Exhibition catalogue of a selection of old maps, photographs, postcards and posters, etc published for the exhibition of the same title, showing Table Mountain as a cultural symbol.

  • Karoo Roads Series I-III


    Karoo Roads  is a collector’s treasure box of trips and tales gathered from more than a decade of research and rubber-on-the-road experiences, penned and photographed by two award-winning travel writers, Chris Marais and Julienne du Toit, who will introduce you to some of the loveliest, toughest, most creative and downright crazy characters, critters and cultures thriving in the Dry Country.

  • Letters to Camondo


    ‘Letters to Camondo immerses you in another age… de Waal creates a dazzling picture of what it means to live graciously.  Subtle and thoughtful and nuanced and quiet. It is demanding but rewarding.

  • Life-Line Knot: Six Object Biography


    A collection of esays about objects in the collection at Wits Art Museum, based on research by postgraduate History of Art students at the University of the Witwatersrand and their lecturers: Joni Brenner, Laura De Becker, Stacey Vorster and Justine Wintjes. This book accompanies the exhibition at the Standard Bank Gallery.

    “A particularly exciting and important aspect of this project is the reinvigoration of art history in a South African context. Through the association with Wits Art Museum, students have the privilege of doing original research with objects, of seeking links across disciplines and time-frames, and of finding new paths beyond western-tradition art historical practice” Anonymous peer reviewer

  • Losing The Plot – Crime, Reality And Fiction In Postapartheid Writing


    In Losing The Plot, well-known scholar and writer Leon de Kock offers a lively and wide-ranging analysis of postapartheid South African writing which, he contends, has morphed into a far more flexible and multifaceted entity than its predecessor. If postapartheid literature’s founding moment was the ‘transition’ to democracy, writing over the ensuing years has viewed the Mandelan project with increasing doubt. Instead, authors from all quarters are seen to be reporting, in different ways and from divergent points of view, on what is perceived to be a pathological public sphere in which the plot- the mapping and making of social betterment – appears to have been lost.

  • Love. Loss. Life. – And All That Stuff In Between


    In just a decade, journalist Monica Nicolson Oosterbroek Hilton-Barber Zwolsman married and lost both her beloved husbands – award winning photographers Ken Oosterbroek and Steven Hilton-Barber, as well as her precious 16-month-old son, Benjamin. Most people would have collapsed under the weight of such tragic devastation. But Monica, a survivor of note, now finally tells the story of her rollercoaster ride of a life, in the much anticipated memoir Love. Loss. Life.

  • Modisa (writtten in Sestswana)


    This beautiful picture book is about a boy who dares to dream of a big future. It is a story of empowerment, self-belief and leadership, and is inspired by the life of former president Nelson Mandela.

  • Mošemane wa Modiša (Written in Sepidi)


    This beautiful picture book is about a boy who dares to dream of a big future. It is a story of empowerment, self-belief and leadership, and is inspired by the life of former president Nelson Mandela.

  • Mountains And Hills to Overcome


    Paballo Makhetha’s book titled “Mountains and Hills to overcome” attempts to address social ills that have infiltrated communities; which, when not properly dealt with often affect and lead capable young people to sanitariums, jails, and even suicidal ends. She believes that the future is in the hands of the youth, who constitute over 40% of the total African population. The future can therefore not be left in the hands of wounded souls, who continue to experience or witness many kinds of abuse and trauma in their immediate environments. There exists a need to create platforms to talk about these challenges in the homes, classrooms and work places; to embrace them as part of our history, learn from them, and recreate a better future. She wishes that the book can be prescribed at middle to high schools to allow the youth to confront prevalent social challenges head-on, and make better decisions about their own future, and the future of their respective countries as prospective builders.

  • Placeholder

    My Skin Is Not a Cure


    In this novel, the author tries to show the reader how the world’s ignorance on socio-cultural matters can result in most kinds of discrimination: gender, ethnic and religious.