Movement Breaks in the Classroom Workshop
Movement Breaks in the Classroom Workshop The movements workshop was facilitated as a project by Occupational Therapist, Regina Broenner in collaboration with Khosi Radebe powered by Stanford Creative Works, A…
Revolution Room | Finalist for Africa Architecture Awards in Critical Dialogue Category
The Africa Architecture Awards seek to celebrate design excellence and promote an increased awareness of the role and importance of architecture across Africa. Based on values rather than categories, the…
The Book Corner | David Krut Bookstore | Monthly – September
The next installment of the WordArtat151 poetry program, That kind of door, Finlay’s fifth collection of poems, is a narrative of linked poems which describes his (the poet’s) life/lives, in a lyrical sequence…
Word Art at 151 | Session 4 : Young voices
Word art at 151 Session 4 : Young Voices The evening of session 4 of Word art at 151 nestled in a crowd of poetry lovers and a group 5…
Word Art at 151 | Young voices : Moses Mtileni
Moses Mtileni was born at Nkuri-Tomu village in Limpopo. He is the author of U ya va Rungula (poetry) and Mpimavayeni (novella). He curated an anthology of Xitsonga poetry by…
The Book Corner | David Krut Bookstore newsletter | July
Word Art at 151 Session 4 – Young Voices Poets in performance: Mthabisi Sithole, Zama Madinana, Siza Nkhosi, Moses Mtileni and others…
Word Art at 151 | Young Voices: Siza Nkosi
Siza Nkosi is a writer, teacher and mother from Soweto. She is currently doing her MA in create writitng and enjoys painting potraits of where she comes from and of…
Word Art at 151 | Young Voices : Mthabisi Sithole
Recently, the implications of collecting the past, present and future through the voice of poetry have interested me with increasing urgency. The instances from which every piece of poetry arises…
IEB Conference 2017
The David Krut education team headed to the IEB Conference to set up an exhibition stand of curated books to offer to the IEB curriculum teachers as additional resources for…