Showing 33–48 of 519 results

  • Caroline Suzman – I Declare I Am Here


    In the series,  I Declare I Am Here, photographer Caroline Suzman reflects on Johannesburg as a city of shadows and dreams. Pedestrians streaming in and out of the so-called City of Gold navigate architecture from a bygone era with resilience, grit and grace.

    I Declare I Am Here is a compilation of 24 photographs from Suzman’s series printed as functional postcards. Gift bag included in purchase.

  • Child Of This Soil – My Life as a Freedom Fighter


    LETLAPA MPHAHLELE, Apla Commander, is that rarest of creatures: a military man with a sensitive, seeking soul. In Child of this Soil, Mphahlele tells his story, giving us an insider’s view into the heart of the armed struggle. After a childhood marked by a questing, rebellious nature, the young Letlapa flees South Africa in search of his destiny. His exile will not end for many years, as he embarks on the turbulent, nomadic life of a guerrilla: swept from one end of Africa to the other, migrating from refugee camp to prison cell to High Command.

  • Claim to the Country: The Archive of Wilhelm Bleek and Lucy Lloyd


    Lavishly illustrated, Claim to the Country: The Archive of Lucy Lloyd and Wilhelm Bleek, created, compiled, and introduced by Pippa Skotnes, presents in book form and on an accompanying DVD all the notebook pages and drawings that comprise this remarkable archive. Contextualizing essays by well-known scholars, such as Nigel Penn, Eustacia Riley, and Anthony Traill, and a searchable index for all the narratives and contributors are included.

  • Clay Formes


    This publication offers enthusiasts and collectors a glimpse into the studios of thirty important South African artists, born between 1941 and 1998, revealing the richness of both contemporary clay and ceramic tradition within South African art

  • Coach – The life and soccer times of Clive Barker


    Coach offers a first-class glimpse into the life of this extraordinary South African, Clive Barker. Author Michael Marnewick details everything from his pre-coaching days and how he avoided bankruptcy by driving taxis, to his early coaching jobs and making it into the professional ranks, and ultimately to the position of national soccer coach. The book is not only an in-depth look at Clive Barker the coach, but also gives insight into Clive Barker the man, the husband, the father, and the patriot.

  • Conscience of the Human Spirit: The Life of Nelson Mandela: Tributes by Quilt Artists from South Africa and the United States


    In 2013 the world mourned the passing of Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, one of its most revered champions of human rights. Mandela provided a moral compass for how we treat each other, how we lead our own lives, and how we need to continue to strive for a just, fair, nonracial, and democratic society. Artists around the world have long made quilts in tribute to Mandela and in support of and advocacy for the principles to which he was devoted. But it is for South Africans and African Americans that making quilts in tribute to Mandela has had special meaning. Conscience of the Human Spirit, which accompanies an exhibition by the same name, features quilts made after Mandela’s death?diverse and powerful pieces reflect the ways in which this remarkable man touched individual lives, changed a nation, and served as the conscience of the human spirit for individuals around the world.

    This book is a collaborative project of the Michigan State University Museum, Women of Color Quilters Network, and South African quilt artists.

  • Conversation with my elders


    This book is an important account and history of one of the oldest tribes in Southern Africa. A tribe that has been credited for giving the rise to great Kings such as Kgosi Mogopa, Sechele of Bakwena in Botswana and Moshoeshoe of the Bakwena in Lesotho.

  • Cooked in South Africa

    Cooked in South Africa is an initiative of Wish Upon a Star, a non-profit fund-raising charity, and all proceeds from the sales of this book will be donated to children living with disability.

  • Covid Moons


    “A thought-provoking and tender reflection on a period we are still living through with all its fears and uncertainties – but also … its potential for connection.” Karen Rutter, Weekend Special

  • Curating Johannesburg


    In 2019 Fadzai Muchemwa, a curator from Zimbabwe, completed a three-month residency at the Bag Factory in Johannesburg. This collection of essays on the role of art and arts organisations grew out of her experience of living and working in Johannesburg.

  • Dada Khanyisa: Good Feelings


    This catalogue is published on the occasion of Dada Khanyisa’s second exhibition with Stevenson, Good Feelings, in which Khanyisa fractures their narrative process, creating solipsistic scenes set against the backdrop of communal living.

  • David Goldblatt: No Ulterior Motive


    A panorama of the career of South African photographer David Goldblatt, elucidating his artistic commitments, networks, and influence

  • Out of stock

    David Lurie: Morning After Dark

    “Morning After Dark” is a series of urban landscapes of the formal and informal parts of Cape Town, all of which have been photographed in early-morning light, and mostly when no-one was present.

  • Die Bram Fischer Wals


    Hoewel hy algemeen bekend is as die Afrikaner-Kommunis wat vir Nelson Mandela van die galg gered het, is bitter min bekend oor Bram Fischer die man. Fischer was ‘n gerespekteerde senior advokaat by die Johannesburgse Balie, wat gekies het om hom by die onderdruktes te skaar en wat ondergronds gegaan het om by die gewapende stryd aan te sluit. Hy is op 5 November 1965 in hegtenis geneem nadat hy vir bykans tien maande op vlug was.

  • Doing Hair: Art and Hair in Africa


    Catalogue of the Exhibition, Wits arts Museum, 2014 This publication accompanies an exhibition of the same title at Wits art Museum, 20 August – 2 November 2014.

  • Domestic Scenes


    Domestic Scenes feature the entire 54 images of Kentridge’s early series of work Domestic Scenes (1980). Domestic Scenes is published by Steidl, an international publisher of photobooks, and features an exquisite hard cover design with Kentridge’s signature on the cover page and a beautiful A1 poster of a photograph of young William Kentridge in his Parktown studio in Johannesburg, South Africa.